The Most Important Tool in Painting

January 4, 2020

Can you guess what the most important tool is for improving your work? I’m going to be kind of secretive about naming it because I want you to guess what it might be before you watch this week’s video. OK…Now, let’s go find out what that magical tool is that will immediately improve your painting…. […]

How to Make Collage Papers, Part 2

Do you know which famous artist coined the term “painting with scissors”? If you guessed Henri Matisse, you’re right. At the end of his career and his life, he was bedridden but he persisted in finding a way to continue working. And creating. He did this by mixing colors and painting them on large sheets […]

November 24, 2019

Art Insights: Q&A with Adele

November 2, 2019

I don’t know about you, but I love interacting with other people. In fact, I find that the more questions I ask someone, the more I can learn from them. Any questions I ask someone else tends to provide me with more insights about an array of topics from how they view the world to […]

Why We Are Driven To Paint

You have a blank canvas in front of you. What do you do with it? Do you stare at the canvas, and simply walk away? Or do you follow your urge and desire to create something? So let me ask you something: What makes you want to paint? Is it because you like the feel […]

October 27, 2019

How to Change Your Mindset

October 5, 2019

Do you want to learn how to paint, but you fear the results? This fear is not uncommon among artists at any stage in the game. Fear of failure and fear of success are equally weighted. Regardless of where you are in your artistic journey – fear is a mental game that can stop the […]

3 Mistakes Not to Make in Your Art Career

It’s natural to make mistakes when you are starting out in any venture. And there will be many more along the way. But these help us in growing and learning how to improve. You cannot allow them to stop you from moving forward. There are plenty of mistakes and wrong turns I have made in […]

September 21, 2019

Just Real Enough Not To Be Abstract

September 14, 2019

Composing an abstract floral painting is very different than composing a fully abstract painting, at least for me. The stages of composition and design are vastly different and in this video I will be sharing with you each of my 6 distinct stages of painting my abstract florals. With the florals I figure out the […]

3 Principles for Painting Abstracts that Engage

Do you ever lose track of all the “do’s” and “don’ts” you learned in art classes? Whether its rules about perspective, composition, color combinations, or other elements, it can be challenging just trying to remember them all. In this video I explain 3 basic principles that are easy to remember and that will make a […]

September 7, 2019

How to Get the Right Colors for Your Painting

August 31, 2019

When you find a specific color you want to use in a painting do you know how to mix it? I’ve struggled with trying to guess how to mix certain blues, certain reds, certain neutrals, etc. It would take up so much time and I would get frustrated when I was far off from what […]

Composing an Abstract Painting

Have you ever wondered what goes through an artists mind as they think about what the next steps are in the middle of a painting? How do you determine what the next step is? In this video, I walk you through my thinking process as I decide what I need to do to create a […]

August 26, 2019