What Does “Creativity” Really Mean?

September 7, 2021

Living a creative life extends far beyond the realm of art. Creativity can refer to original problem-solving, being adaptable, and thinking outside the box. It involves being brave and taking risks. Often, for me, it means doing something new I haven’t done before, which can also lead to that delightful feeling of total freedom. The […]

Something Totally Different

Creativity and “thinking outside the box” moments seem to come when you have lots of restrictions and constraints on you and you’re forced to do something different. I’ve had so many of these moments throughout my life and I actually love them because they force me off the typical well-traveled path and onto someplace totally […]

July 23, 2021

Are You a Risk Taker?

July 23, 2021

Let’s just begin by saying right out loud…I am a risk taker… I have been my entire life. It’s just who I am and I’ve accepted that fact. When confronting a situation that I’ve never been in before I quickly assess it and make a decision. Let me give you an example…..it was 1973 and […]

A Silent Conversation

THE WHAT-IF QUESTION COMES TO LIFE…. Are you ever bored with your painting process? Or is how you’re painting become routine? I get it, sometimes I’m there too, and what helps me come out of it is reading this little short story I wrote. It’s called “A Silent Conversation.” I’m sitting in a beat-up, color-stained […]

July 23, 2021

A Shortcut to Finding Your Colors

June 25, 2021

WANT TO LEARN a fun shortcut to finding your unique color choices? That’s exactly what I’m going to demonstrate in today’s short video…. ….and you don’t even have to mix any paint at all! You just have to go to the paint store…I went to Benjamin Moore You’ll need some scissors, glue, printer paper, and […]

How to Add Depth with a Collage Layer

sign up for my free minicourse “kickstart your abstract painting” TRANSCRIPT: Hi, it’s Adele. And in this video, I’m going to show you one of the layers, it’s a very important layer, of what I do to add a lot of depth in all my paintings. And that is a collage layer, which I add […]

May 20, 2021

An Interview with Nino Yuniardi

April 26, 2021

WHY DOES SEATTLE artist Nino Yuniardi name his abstract paintings after foods? Watch this interview to hear his interesting answer. He’s also got a lot of fascinating things to say about the creative process. Sign up for my free minicourse “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting” TRANSCRIPT: Hi, this is Adele and I’m here with another creativity […]

Creating Depth and Texture

IN THIS VIDEO I show why I made the decisions I did in painting this large 5×5’ neutral abstract. I share what I do with the first several layers, how I get pops of color that are really interesting, and when I add collage pieces and acrylic skins. CREATING DEPTH AND TEXTURE IN YOUR ABSTRACT […]

November 15, 2020

Frame Your Painting With…Space

November 5, 2020

There are a million ways to create art. A while ago I was making some pieces, both paintings and collages that I loved, but that I thought they were too small. As you know, I love experimenting and reinventing so I looked around my studio and asked myself, “What can I do with this small piece to […]

How to Paint an Abstract Series

Want to know why most of the time — unless I’m working on a very large painting — I work on multiple paintings at once? Working on multiple abstract paintings at the same time can give you flexibility and will result in a set of paintings that are visually related to each other even as […]

October 27, 2020