Is this or is this not one of the main problems you have in your painting process?
Getting stuck…
So many people have told me they get to a certain part of their abstract painting and don’t like what’s happening but have no clue how to move forward.
This is how so many unfinished paintings end up against their studio wall.
They’re filled with fear that they’re going to ruin it.
Well, I have five suggestions for you:
Doing this reduces any fear I have of making the next move and as soon as I add that concept from the guide onto the canvas, the painting will guide me to my next step.
And if I draw another blank, I take out more “Painting Guides” and do the same thing. At a certain point you’ll be in your painting flow.
Now, I happen to have a YouTube video showing you exactly how I use these Guides to help you get unstuck in an abstract painting.
Click HERE to watch “Getting Unstuck with Painting Guides.”
This method is invaluable. My library of painting guides continues to grow and grow.
I don’t think there’s a painting I create where I don’t try out a lot of them.
This technique takes away any fear you have of ruining your abstract painting, and you’ll be able to test a wide variety of possibilities to see which one will work best and exactly where you’d like to add it.
There are few things worse that painting a huge area directly on your work only to see it doesn’t work and then you have to wipe off everything you just did.
With Painting Guides you KNOW you’re going to like it.
I hope you give it a try and please watch my YouTube demonstrating the exact way I create and use my Painting Guides.
You’ll be so glad you did.
Sending you a world of love,
* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.
* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”