Creativity is Not an Accident


Sometimes I come across a book that explains things so beautifully that I want to write the inspirations down and put them up all over my studio walls so I can see them every day and be inspired.

Recently I came across a book like this.

It’s called Dance of the Possible by Scott Berkun.

On the first pass of reading this book, I sat undisturbed for several hours, underlining so much text with my yellow highlighter that it looked like a yellow book.

I went back and made a checkmark in red on the side of the ideas I wanted to remember most.

Finally, I typed up all the inspirational quotes from the book and put them up on my studio wall.

Now, this is the first thing I see and the first thing I read upon entering the studio.

It has made an enormous impact on my attitude and mindset as an artist and it is a constant reminder to push my boundaries, take risks, and to purposely try something different.

I’d like to share some of the quotes from this book that really stood out to me:

  • “How do you expect to become more creative if you’re not willing to try anything you haven’t done before.”
  • “Creativity is personal.”
  • “It takes time to develop your craft and that development never ends.”
  • “Take pleasure in making things for the sake of making them.”
  • “It’s powerful to know that support for your art can be obtained without anyone liking your work at all. Vincent Van Gogh’s only real encouragement for the decade he worked as an artist was his brother.”

So, there you go. Lots of beautiful quotes to get those creative juices going.

And if, by now, you’d like to learn a fun exercise I do in my own studio to do something creative that’s easy and fun, take a look at my short YouTube video called “Make a creativity jar for your painting ideas.” Click HERE to watch the short video.

Sending you a world of love and creativity,


* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.

* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”