When Something Unexpected Happens


Of course, unexpected things happen every day to us.

But sometimes BIG unexpected things happen and how we respond makes all the difference.

Maintaining a positive and adaptable mindset is crucial.

For example…Last Sunday I was showing my paintings in Round Top, Texas, at a huge antique show.

My husband Patrick and I were leisurely driving to the show through some glorious backroads filled with open pastures and grazing cows when suddenly we hear a “BAM.”

Initially, we thought it was a stick that got stuck in the tire well so we kept driving, but it didn’t get loose.

So we pulled over to the side of the road, got out and saw something was not only stuck in the tire but it had caused a flat.

Hmmm, now what?

This was one of those moments that I could have been so frustrated, mad, and bothered, but I took a long deep breath.

I was acutely aware that this was a moment in which I had a choice of how I was going to respond to this situation.

First of all, I knew we were going to be late for an important appointment to meet with a client, but there really wasn’t anything I could possibly do.

I was stuck in the middle of nowhere…beautiful countryside, no house or anyone around except for cows and steers.

I took what I now call a “pause moment” which changed my attitude from frustrated to grateful.

Here we were in a beautiful location, gorgeous weather and the only problem was that something unexpected happened that caused me to think about being grateful.

That pause put me in a better place and when I did make it to that appointment – yes, a little late but I got there – I was calm and happy instead of venting frustration.

This has happened to me quite often in my painting life as well.

When something is not working in a painting instead of going negative I see it as an opportunity to find a new direction.

I celebrate those moments because they often lead me to a better place.

Accepting that you can’t control everything and being open to the idea that change can bring new opportunities has helped me enormously to grow as an artist and in my life in general.

The mindset for handling unexpected events in life shares many similarities with the mindset of an artist.

Both require adaptability, creativity, resilience, curiosity and optimism.

Cultivating these qualities can not only help you navigate through life’s uncertainties but also enhance your ability to thrive in your creative endeavors.

Sending you a world of love and creativity,


* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.

* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”