Do you know the children’s poet Shel Silverstein?
He’s my favorite and I read many of his books to my kids when they were young.
When I looked around for a good explanation of the word intuition the best description came from a poem by Silverstein called “The Voice.”
Take a look below to read it….
The first sentence says it completely: “There is a voice inside of you.”
THIS VOICE is your intuition and please please please listen to it and follow it.
It is the most honest version of yourself.
This is true in life as much as it is in creating a painting, a song, a home, your wardrobe, and everything else in your life.
So I hope you have listened to that voice this year and if not I hope you strengthen that muscle next year.
This is a celebratory week and a season of giving and gathering with loved ones.
You’ve already given so much to me by being here and opening my weekly emails.
Hopefully, I’ve given something back to you that has made you smile, given you inspiration, or somehow supported you.
And I hope to do lots more of that in the coming year.
With heartfelt appreciation, I wanted to wish you a very happy and joyful holiday season.