OK, Let’s Be Honest


Are you one of those people who buys things because you don’t want to miss out on having them?

• Like that cool gadget you saw that would solve a household problem.

• Or a course that you don’t have time to do this moment but you don’t want to miss the opportunity to have it.

• Or that pair of shoes that seem extravagant, but what the hell, it’s been a tough year and you just need to have them. Retail therapy really works!!!

Well, I’m certainly one of those people…someone with FOMO (fear of missing out).

I have loads of gadgets, courses, and interesting shoes sitting around that I plan on getting to use one day, and then something else interesting comes up and those that I already have get pushed back, back, back into the abyss.

As a matter of fact, I’ve bought so many courses over the last few years that I had to write them down with all the info on how to get into them so that I wouldn’t forget I bought them.

I think it turns out to be around 36 or something like that.

For sure I will get to them when I have time. Yea, right, who has that these days?

Thinking about the coming year and “new beginnings” one of the things on my to-do list is going to be going back over the classes or courses I want to do and FINISH them.

That’s another thing I struggle with…finishing things.

I’ll start out with tons of enthusiasm and I love what I’m learning, but then life quickly gets in the way and it goes on hold.

Have you thought about what you’d like to start the year off doing differently?

Have you decided on your WORD of the year? Last year mine was “Simplicity,” this year it’s “I’m Ready.”

Have you started planning ANYTHING?

My business planning has begun for sure. I’ve already planned the topics for the weekly videos in the Art with Adele Academy through December 2022.

And I’m wanting to do lots of unexpected things there because focusing on fun and different is so important to my mindset.

Personally, I’m planning to SLOW DOWN. I’m always going a mile a minute because I want to cram so much into life. But then I get exhausted and crash.

So I’m going to try and take two days off a week. Now this sounds crazy but I literally work seven days every week because I just love my work. It’s not like work, it’s just pure fun and inspiration.

Slow down and enjoy every… single… moment… you can.

* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.

* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”