How do you figure out what colors you want to use when you begin a painting?
There are many ways to collect color palette ideas and here are a few I use:
WAIT…that sounds awesome..
I agree, so I just made a new YouTube video showing you my exact steps on creating them.
Basically, you tear color sections out of magazines or old books, arrange three colors you like and then add an accent color.
Just to make my color palette books look professional and be really usable, I glue my color swatches in a 5×5” white hard bound book I got on Amazon.
One of these books can hold 12 different color palettes.
And just think, you could have a book for neutrals, a book for reds, a book for blues, etc.
So the next time you’re out of ideas for what colors you want in your painting, grab one of your books, find a page you want to use, and off you go.
Click HERE to watch the YouTube video.
You’re going to love doing this.
P.S. Click HERE to get on the waitlist for my new course coming out in October called “Fun Abstract Painting for the Absolute Beginner.”
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* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”